Titles are also similar within the two documentaries; white and simple. This validates our documentary, as the understated titles look professional, but are still easily accessible to the audience, without detracting attention from the action on screen.

The print advert conforms to typical conventions of a channel 4 documentary advertisement; a specific colourscheme, with the writing conforming to this in a typical channel 4 house style. The channel's logo is also located in the same place; centred to the right of screen; the logo is obvious and eyecatching, in order to appropriately inform the audience of scheduling. The title on both adverts is also bigger than the scheduling, implying that if someone is interested by the title, the viewer is more likely to then seek out more information about it, in this case, through scheduling.

In terms of the radio advert, the same conventions are supported. For example, soundbytes from the actual documentary are used to advertise the documentary, and offer a 'teaser' into the ambience of the piece. The music bed on the radio advert is common; it helps the audio to flow more smoothly and sounds more professional and inviting to listeners. Contributing to this, as is typical in radio ads, the same voiceover is used as is used in the documentary. This helpes link the texts and validates the audio, ensuring that the target audience is interested and empathizes with the theme of the documentary.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
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3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
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