1. How old are you? 17-20[ ] 21-24 [ ] 25-30 [ ] 30-35 [ ]
2. Are you male or female? Male [ ] Female [ ]
3. How often do you buy takeaways? Once a year [ ] Less than once a month [ ] Once a month [ ] Once a fortnight [ ] Once weekly [ ] Daily [ ]
4. What is your typical takeaway order? Indian [ ] Chinese [ ] Greek [ ] Turkish [ ] English [ ] Italian [ ] Mexican [ ] French [ ]
5. What’s your favourite takeaway service? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. What is your least favourite takeaway service? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. How much would you spend on a takeaway order? £0-£5 [ ] £5-10 [ ] £10-15 [ ] £15-20+ [ ]
8. Where did you hear about your takeaway service? Friend [ ] Leaflet [ ] Website [ ] TV Advert [ ]
9. Do you tip the delivery guy? Yes [ ] No [ ] Sometimes [ ]
10. Where do you order from? Home [ ] Work [ ] College [ ] Other [ ]
11. Do you order takeaways over the internet? Yes [ ] No [ ]
12. Do you drink alcohol when you eat takeaways? Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ]
13. When you eat takeaways, who do you eat them with? Friends [ ] Family [ ] Alone [ ] Other ………………………………………………………………
14. Do you eat takeaways for their convenience? Yes [ ] No [ ]
15. Do you know how to cook a meal from scratch? Yes [ ] No [ ]
16. Do you eat convenience food at home? (e.g pot noodles) Yes [ ] No [ ] Sometimes [ ]
17. Do you normally get a salad with your takeaway? Yes [ ] No [ ] Sometimes [ ]
18. Do you try and eat as healthy as possible when you order a takeaway? Yes [ ] No [ ] Sometimes [ ]
19. What is your favourite TV channel? BBC1 [ ] BBC2 [ ] ITV1 [ ] Channel4 [ ] Five [ ]
20. What time do you normally watch television? 7-8pm [ ] 8-9pm [ ] 9-10pm [ ] 10-11pm [ ]
This graph shows us the different ages which were chosen to answer the questionnaires, it is important to know the age of the person, as this allows us as a group to target a specific audience. 90% of the questions where filled out by 17-20 year olds, this fits our target audience and is therefore appropriate for our documentary research. To generalise our research, one 21-24 year old has answered the questionnaire and two, 30-35 year olds. This allows us to get the feedback of an older target audience.
This question was chosen because it is important to aim towards both genders, as ‘Takeaways’ are aimed towards everybody within society. This bar graph shows us that 11/30 questionnaires were filled out making this 37% of the selected population being males. On the other hand, 19/30 of the questionnaires were filled out by the females making this 63% of the chosen target population.
This question asks the person “How often do you buy takeaways?” As shown above, there was a choice of 6 answers; Daily, once a year, less than once a year, once a month, once a fortnight, once weekly. From the results it surprisingly tells us that 10/30 people only buy ‘Takeaways’ less than once a year, this shows us that the popularity of ‘Takeaways’ has decreased massively, it is no longer a food choice for many households in the country. 7/30 (23%) say they only buy a takeaway once a month, many dieticians would say this should be the average an individual should consume, as takeaways are unhealthy for regular consumers. 4/30 (13%) buy a takeaway once a fortnight. 17% of the people stated they buy takeaways once a week. 3/30 (10%) of the chosen people claim they buy a takeaway on a daily basis, shows that regular individuals are not eating healthy food/ homemade food, which is much more healthy, as many takeaways have a lot of fats and oils.
This question asks the audience “What is your typical takeaway order?” This was a closed question, asking the people to choose between 8 options; French, Indian, Chinese, Greek, Turkish, English, Italian, Mexican. The results show us that 0/30 chose French, this shows that culturally French food is not the most popular food choice, as many would claim that there standards of food products are particularly ‘strange’. 3/30 which is 10% had chosen Indian food, Indian takeouts are known as more of a popular food choice, however in this instance, and it doesn’t meet the match with the other choices. The most popular choice was Chinese, showing that 33% of the research audience preferred Chinese takeout in comparison to the other choices. Chinese takeaways are the most popular and most profitable business, as from statistics it shows that a local Chinese takeout make 32,000-35,000 a year profit. Greek food is a very unusual takeout to choose from, as there are not many takeouts for this business, as many just consist of Greek restaurants; from the questionnaire it shows that 1 out of the 30 people prefer Greek food. Out of the 30 people, only 2 people selected Turkish food, the same point is required for this food choice as was the reason for the Greek food. 5/30 (17%) people chose English takeaways. This show the cultures of English takeouts are still popular, even though many cultural takeouts have taken the popularity rating of takeouts to a certain extent. Italian food is the next popular choice with 6/30 (20%) people choosing this option. Italian food consists of products such as Pizza’s. 3/30 (10%) of people chose Mexican food, this shows a slight interest in the culture, however is not as popular as the commonly known takeaways being Chinese or Indian.
This question asks the person “What is your favourite takeaway service?” This was an open question which allowed the person to fully express their view of their most favourite takeout service. The results in the graph shows us that 4/30 people chosen Jenerics, this is the least favourite out of the other 4 answers. 12/30 of the people wrote Chinese takeout’s, they may have misunderstood the question, as the question actually asks the person from their choice of all takeouts which is their favourite. MacDonald’s was the third favourite choice. From facts and figures, MacDonald’s is the most popular fast-food franchise in the world. Dominos is the second favourite takeaway service; having 9/30 (30%) people choose this Italian takeaway.
This question reflects from the previous question as it asks the people “What is your least favourite takeaway?” 4/30 (13%) wrote down Sizzle Inn as one of their worst takeaway service. 10/30 (33%) chose that Dominos is there least favourite takeout, this is reflected from the first question as 9 people chose Dominos as their favourite takeout. 8/30 (27%) chose KFC as there least favourite. Jenerics is chosen by 8/30 (27%) people, this is also reflected from the previous question.
This question asks “How much would you spend on a takeaway order?” 4/30 (13%) of people ticked £0 - £5. 10/30 (33%) chosen £5 - £10. 15/30 (50%) said they would spend £10 - £15 on takeaway orders. Finally, 1/30 (3%) would spend £15 - £20+ on a takeaway order. This question allows us a group to gather a clear generalised result of what the wider world would feel about takeaway orders. This graph shows us that an average person would be willing to spend £10 - £15 on a takeaway.
This question asks the person “Where did you hear about your takeaway service?”. This was a closed question giving the person an option of 5 boxes; TV Advertisements, friends, leaflets, website, other. One person out of the 30 selected TV advertisement. 14/30 (47%) find about specific takeouts from friends, this is the most popular choice, meaning word-of-mouth is the best way of publishing the business itself. One of the options was hearing the service by a leaflet, 10/30 (33%) of people selected this option. Many takeaway businesses contain a leaflet, which allows the business to expand and become more known . 5/30 (17%) find out about takeaways in websites.
This question asks the person if they tip the delivery guy. The results show us that 9/30 (30%) of the people do tip the delivery Guy. 11/30 (37%) people do not tip the delivery Guy. 10/30 (33%) of the people tip the delivery guy sometimes.
This question asks the person “Where do you order from?” The results show us that majority of the target population order mainly from home, as from these statistics it says that 17/30 people order from home, this is 57% of the target population. 6/30 (20%) selected the work option. 4/30 (13%) said that they order from college. 3/30 (10%) say they order takeaways in other ways than the other chosen boxes.
This question asks the people “Do you order over the internet?” 14/30 (47%) said that they do over the internet. Many takeaways have their ordering process online this makes it more convenient for the customers, as the British citizens are becoming lazier, making this a negative point as well. Alternatively, 16/30 (53%) say they don’t order takeaways online, meaning majority have takeouts when convenient. However, there is still a half and half chance with a takeaway having a website.
This question asks the person “Do you drink alcohol when eating takeaways?” From the pie chart it shows us that 3/30 (10%) always consume alcohol when eating a takeout, this shows how takeouts are unhealthy, as it can result the person to start binge drinking. On the other hand, 7/30 (23%) never have alcohol with takeouts; this could be because they don’t drink alcohol. Finally, 20/30 (67%) chose the sometimes option.
This was a closed question which asks “When you eat takeaways, who do you eat them with?” There was an option of 4 choices; Family, alone, friends, others. I chose a pie chart as it is easy to show the results as there were not many choices. 4/30 (13%) say they eat alone. 16/30 (53%) eat with their friends. 10/30 (33%) say they eat with their family.
This question was a closed question, consisting of just a simple yes and no answer. The question it asks is “Do you eat takeaways for their convenience?” I used a pie chart as it is easy to see the balances answers. 16/30 (53%) say that they don’t eat takeaways for their convenience. 14/30 (47%) say they do eat takeaways for their convenience.
This was a closed question asking the target research, “Do you know how to cook a meal from scratch?” A simple yes and no answer was required and from the results it shows us that 20/30 (67%) said yes, and 10/30 (33%) said no. This question was used, as many takeaways are taking over the culture of homemade food.
This was a closed question, asking the research target “How often do you eat convenience food at home? (E.g. Pot Noodles)” A pie chart was used, as it was more significant to show the difference between the results of the 3 answers. 5/30 (17%) say that they do eat convenient food at home; the same results were shown for people which don’t eat convenient food at home. 20/30 (67%) say they only eat convenient food at times.
This question asks the people if the normally eat a salad with their takeaways, this question is relevant to the concept of healthy eating, as the government are making healthy eating more accessible, to avoid any unnecessary diseases. This question showed a balanced answer as for each choice, all options received 10/30 (33%).
Once again another question based on healthy eating is asked, this question shows how people are not aware of unhealthy eating when buying takeaways. From these results it shows us that only 4/30 (13%) of the people we surveyed try and eat healthy as possible. 9/30 (30%) try eating healthy when buying takeaways, and a shocking 17/30 (57%) people don’t eat healthily.
This question is significant for us as a group to know exactly which satellite programme to schedule our documentary on, this is also significant as they questions which were answered by, are our target audience. From the bar graph, you can see there was an option of the 5 programmes. 2/30 (7%) picked BBC1. 1/30 (3%) chosen BBC2. 6/30 (20%) chose ITV1. 19/30 (63%) chose Channel4. 2/30 (7%) chosen Channel5. From these results, we have chosen to schedule our documentary on Channel4.
This question is significant to our documentary, as is allows us to know exactly what time our documentary should be scheduled. From the results it shows us that 2/30 (7%) watch television (T.V) at 7-8pm. 2/30 (7%) watch T.V at 8-9pm. 17/30 (57%) watch TV at 9-10pm. 9/30 (30%) of people watch TV at 10 – 11pm.
We as a group presented 30 questionnaires to be handed out to the college students and staff of Priestley College. Each questionnaire consisted of 20 questions which were related to the context of our documentary ‘Takeaways’. Each question was summarised by using graphs to present the results of what the students and staff had said about ‘Takeaways’.
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